We nvite you to a guest lecture on Green Infrastructure given by two world class experts. Professor Virginia Stovin from University of Sheffield (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/civil/staff/academic/vrs ) and Dr. Elizabeth Fassman-Beck (http://www.sccwrp.org/about/staff/elizabeth-fassman-bec/ ).
The titles for the talks are:
"The importance of quantifying EvapoTranspiration (ET) from urban Green Infrastructure" by Virginia Stovin
“Modernizing Metrics for Green Infrastructure (GI) Performance Evaluation and Design” by Elizabeth Fassman-Beck
When: Wednesday 22nd of January at 13:15-14:15
Where: VG1 (Valgrinda), S.P. Andersens veg 3, Trondheim
See you Wednesday for two great speakers you do not want to miss!