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Aim of the pilot project

Trondheim municipality will upgrade Trondheim town Square and adjacent streets. In this connection, a new stormwater management facility will be established which will relieve today's pipeline network in Midtbyen. The facility will consist of an infiltration system and a detention magazine and be designed so that the detention magazine is only used when the infiltration system has reached its maximum capacity.

The objective of the pilot project is to demonstrate and document the new facility to manage stormwater. 


Participants Trondheim Torg.jpg

Innovation potential

Stormwater management is set high on the agenda in Norway, especially through the work of NOU2015: 16 Stormwater in cities and towns - As a problem and resource. Densification of cities, together with climate change, will give rise to increased amounts of stormwater that must be handled, while current stormwater systems often have limited capacity. To take care of increasing water quantities, it has been proposed a number of alternative solutions that handle the stormwater open and local. The 3-part strategy to manage stormwater proposes to infiltrate as much possible of the water locally before excess water will be detained, and if necessary, diverted safely to the nearest recipient.

The innovation potential of the pilot project is to test a new solution combining infiltration and detention under actual operating and maintenance conditions.

Lessons learnt

Illustrations: Agraff AS/ Visualis