Klima 2050 - Risk reduction through climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure - was a Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI). The aim of Klima 2050 was to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment.
The aim of the Centre (2015-2022) was to strengthen companies’ innovation capacity through a focus on long-term research. It was also a clear objective to facilitate close cooperation between R&D-performing companies and prominent research groups. The funding from the Research Council of Norway is for maximum eight years (from 2015 to 2022).
Emphasis was placed on development of moisture-resilient buildings, stormwater management, blue-green solutions, measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, socio-economic incentives and decision-making processes. Both extreme weather and gradual changes in the climate was addressed.
Download fact sheet in Norwegian about Klima 2050 here
The Centre will be recognised for its research training within the field of climate adaptation of the built environment. Through education of graduate students, training of highly qualified research personnel through PhDs and training of professionals in the sector, the Centre will stimulate new solutions and further research and development in the building, construction and transportation (BCT) sector long after the term of the Centre's existence.
The vison
Klima 2050 will be synonymous with excellence within risk reduction through climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure exposed to enhanced precipitation and flood water. Klima 2050 will be an effective instrument for the development and implementation of adaptive innovations for the Centre partners and society.
The activities
Klima 2050 focused on four main research areas (work packages) WP1-4. The fourth work package, WP4: Decision-making processes and impact, is an important premise for research and innovation and formed a "societal funnel" bringing together the first three work packages of research into implementable and sustainable solutions leading to innovation and added value for the consortium and the building, construction and transportation sector
WP1: Climate exposure and moisture-resilient buildings
WP2: Stormwater management in small catchments
WP3: Landslides triggered by hydro-meterological processes
WP4: Decision-making processes and impact
Read more about the four work packages here (in Norwegian).
Societal influence sectors of SFI Klima 2050's research