Aim of the pilot project
Choosing adequate mitigation measures against precipitation-induced landslides can be difficult. There are many issues that should be considered for choice of solution, both technical and non-technical, and there are many choices in the market. A problem owner usually has an overview of the need and the problem, but does not have sufficient competence to make a good choice. Each mitigation measure has its specific advantages and limitations.
The goal of LaRiMiT is to develop a web-based tool that can help stakeholders, not least problem owners, in choosing an adequate mitigation measure against precipitation-induced landslides. LaRiMiT is designed to help the stakeholder in this process. However, LaRiMiT is not a design tool, detailed design must be done in the usual way, and it will also be important with expert advice for final choice of solution, not least to check that significant assessment factors are not overlooked.
The web solution should be readily available, easy to use, and understandable to most people with some general / detailed knowledge about landslides. However, expert competence is not required. Typical users can be employees of a municipality's technical department, employees in Statens vegvesen, Jernbanedirektoratet/ Bane Nor and NVE working with landslides, engineers at consultants and construction companies. LaRiMiT may also be helpful in teaching and research.
Innovation potential
The innovation potential lies primarily in linking expert knowledge from a wide range of international experts with the needs of the user in an efficient manner. In the long term, LaRiMiT can also be developed in other ways, for example by linking to Skrednett. Since one of the goals of WP3 in Klima 2050 is to develop innovative security solutions, LaRiMiT must be developed in parallel with this in order to implement new solutions developed throughout the Centre.
Lessons learnt
Description of the pilot project in Norwegian
The knowledge portal LaRiMiT
LaRiMiT paper from WLF4 (June 2017)
LaRiMiT presentation MUSLOC (September 2019)
Capobianco, V, Uzielli, M, Kalsnes, B, Choi, J.C, Strout, J, Tann, L, Steinholt, I, Solheim, A, Nadim, F & Lacasse, S: Recent innovations in the LaRiMiT risk mitigation tool; implementing a novel methodology for expert scoring and extending the database to include nature-based solutions, Landslides 2022;, ISSN 1612-510X (Published online 5 April 2022)