Key performance indicators for Science and Innovations
Unique Centre
Klima 2050 is a unique and long-term co-creation approach to climate risk mitigation. This initiative is a Norwegian, research-driven, innovation centre involving partners from industry, from the public sector and from research and academic organisations.
Aim and vision
The overall aim of the Centre is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. The vision of the Centre is to be synonymous with excellence within risk reduction through climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure exposed to enhanced precipitation and flood water. The SFI will be an effective instrument for the development and implementation of adaptive innovations for the Centre partners and society.
The Centre has clear targets for the key performance indicators (KPI) for science and innovation.
Targets for science can be expressed and measured in the number of
1. PhD/post docs related to the Centre
2. Scientific journal articles published
3. Peer reviewed conference papers accepted
4. Master degrees fulfilled
Targets for innovation activities and promotion of innovation can be measured and expressed in the number of
5. Thematic meetings
6. articles
7. Unique visitors at
8. Pilot projects
The achievements per 2022 (in %) for the different categories is shown in the figures below.
Further explanations and overall ambitions
PhD/post docs; The Centre has a target of 15 PhD/Post docs (Stated in Project description)
Scientific journal articles published; 15 annually accepted from year three (Stated in Note 23 Researcher training)
Peer reviewed conference papers accepted; 30 annually accepted from year three (Stated in Note 23 Researcher training)
Master degrees fulfilled; The Centre has a target of 50 Master thesis (Stated in Project description)
Thematic meetings are organised activities that encompass all or parts of the consortium with the aim of contributing towards knowledge dissemination, experience and research exchange, and promotion of innovation. The Centre strive for 8 annual meetings from year two (Stated in Note 65 Communication plan) articles are directed to the wider public. It is important to the Centre as a means of increasing public awareness of, and demonstrating the needs and opportunities linked to, climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure. The target is that every scientific journal article should be followed by a popular science article.
Unique visitors at The net portal is the Centre’s main channel for the general dissemination of information to the Norwegian and overseas building and construction sector. The Centre strive for 9000 annual unique visitors from year three (Stated in Note 57 Key Performance Indicators)
Pilot projects may comprise a complete or limited section of a building or facility, or may be linked to a process or framework. Pilots must be linked to the development of new systems or processes. The objective is that a pilot shall act as a model and example of how we can demonstrate mitigation of risk to society by means of measures designed to adapt to the impact of climate change. The Centre has an ambition of 14 pilot projects.