PhD project: Green roofs for reduction of stormwater runoff in cold climate
Several researchers are studying the effect of extensive green roofs on stormwater runoff. None of these are related to the performance in cold climate, like the Norwegian. In cold climate, temperature effects and mechanisms of snow accumulation and melt, freezing and thawing are important. The research of PhD Candidate Birgitte Gisvold Johannessen will be designed to obtain knowledge about these processes. Knowledge, that further can be used to design and predict behavior of extensive green roofs in cold climate.
Birgitte Gisvold Johannessen
The PhD project will aim at understanding the hydraulic processes and mechanisms that take place in an extensive green roof in cold climate, and further use this information to develop models that can predict performance of such.
The PhD Candidate is supervised by Associate Professor Tone Merete Muthanna (NTNU). The project is funded by The Research Council of Norway and Trondheim Local Authority under the Public sector PhD-scheme.