PhD project: Potentials of using existing roofs for mitigation of storm water flooding risks in urban areas
The PhD work of Kaj Pettersson at Chalmers University of Technology will be focused on development and implementation of coupled CFD-HAM simulations with greater accuracy and flexibility. The model(s) will be used to predict moisture accumulation and rainwater runoff in green and blue roofs based upon predicted rainfall patterns.
Kaj Pettersson
The main objectives for Kaj Pettersson PhD work are:
- To improve upon current CFD-HAM models by including previously neglected terms and conditions (relaxing certain assumptions such as saturation and temperature).
- Verify the simulations against experimental benchmarks and new cases if possible.
- Determine viability of utilisation of extended simulations; taking into account accuracy as dependent upon time and resource contraints.
The supervisor team is Prof. Angela Sasic Kalagasidis (Chalmers), Asst. Prof. Pär Johansson (Chalmers), Prof. Sinisa Krajnovic (Chalmers) and Assoc. Prof. Erik Kjellström (SMHI).